Axley contract attorneys negotiate, prepare and advise clients with regard to contracts relating to virtually all types of transactions and business dealings. Since almost every business and personal transaction involves some type of contract or, in many cases, multiple contracts, the ability to understand and advise clients on all aspects of these contracts is critical.

Axley attorneys work with our clients to understand the transaction and the client’s needs so that the client fully understands all aspects of the contracts which impact their businesses and their personal lives every day. Our attorneys have the experience, expertise and skill to negotiate and prepare contracts which clearly and concisely deal with all aspects of the transaction, accomplish the client’s goals, protect the client, and anticipate issues which may be important but not obvious, and which will stand up to legal challenges in the future.

Éxitos del Cliente

Represented owner preparing contract documents for $200 million dollar manufacturing facility
Obtained summary judgment in favor of corporation where federal court dismissed a former member's claims involving a dissolved LLC, including claims for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, various statutory violations, as well as a request for an accounting. See 2010 WL 2739832 (W.D. Wis.)

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Negotiating a Business Contract? Don’t Ignore Forum Selection Clauses

Businesses don’t typically enter into contracts thinking that one of the parties will breach and the matter will end up...

Recent Ruling Regarding the Economic Loss Doctrine

The Court of Appeals issued a decision, which has been recommended for publication, on the economic loss doctrine’s applicability as...

Business Contract Boilerplate - Ignore it at Your Own Risk

When it comes to the fine print in contracts, many are too busy to read it or assume that they...

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