Governmental, Administrative & Regulated Industry

Axley regulatory attorneys are experts on working with your company to guide you through government permitting.

We assist with land use and zoning permits, state, environmental and other permitting, government contracting, or changing state and local regulations. Our practitioners have decades of experience in and around state and local government agencies.

Below are just a few areas where we have helped other businesses:

  • Legislative or Agency Advocacy. With decades of experience in all levels of government, our regulatory attorneys can assist you in making the law work for you – or to make the necessary changes in the law to suit your needs. We have extensive expertise in the complex processes of passing legislation, developing administrative rules, and working with state agencies.
  • Government Procurement and Contracting. State and local governments are giant consumers of goods and services, but the rules for government procurement are complex. We can be your expert advisor to guide you through that process.
  • Legislative and Agency Monitoring. The legislature and government agencies produce hundreds of new rules and law proposals each year. We can be your «eyes and ears,» reviewing every new bill and rule and giving you an early heads up about those that will impact you.
  • Local Government Counseling and Advocacy. Local government permitting can be confusing and frustrating. Our experts in government relations understand how those processes work, and we can get you through it efficiently and successfully.
  • Mediating Disputes With Government Regulators. We are called upon daily to work out solutions between the government and private parties. Whether the issue is a rezoning challenge, an alleged permit violation or just an unresponsive agency, our emphasis is on getting the job done and getting your project moving again.
  • Permit and License Expediting. The speed of business and the speed of government are not always the same. We can help you get answers when you need them.

Governmental, Administrative & Regulated Industry Abogados

Ideas Destacadas


New Law Promotes Transparency in State’s Hiring of Outside Counsel

Co-Author: Andrew Lang Last year, the Wisconsin Legislature enacted the Transparency in Private Attorney Contracting Act, 2013 Wisconsin Act 105....

When Open Records Obligations Clash with DPPA Requirements

*This article was originally published in the August issue of Wisconsin Counties Magazine. To view the article in a PDF...

Mining Legislation in Wisconsin

There is a considerable amount of controversy regarding newly proposed iron mining legislation, known as SB/AB-1. The legislation is controversial...

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