This is the Information Technology Age. Technology such as laptops, tablets, cell phones, and web cams have become commonplace. People routinely send e-mails and texts, shoot still photos and videos, and post messages on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

What is also commonplace is police and prosecutors using data and images from these devices as evidence in criminal cases.

Computer crimes include identity theft, child pornography, internet sex crimes and hacking. But they also include any type of offense where the prosecution is using IT evidence. White collar crimes, for example, almost always involve records stored on some type of IT device.

If you are under investigation or charged with a crime involving IT evidence, it is essential that you hire a law firm that has the necessary experience. Axley has that experience. Often working with IT expert witnesses, we have the ability to assess the case against you, and to use our knowledge to take your case to trial or successfully negotiate a favorable plea agreement.

Computer Crimes Abogados

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