Hunting, fishing and trapping have long been a part of the Wisconsin way of life. Hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites and tourists engage in these highly-regulated activities each year. Axley wildlife defense attorneys represent outdoorsmen and women in a variety of hunting, fishing and trapping matters. This experience includes licensure and both criminal and non-criminal litigation-related violations. Axley attorneys have expertise and understanding of federal and state hunting and fishing laws. This expertise, together with in-field experience, makes Axley attorneys adept at representing your interests in hunting, fishing and trapping matters.
Hunting, Fishing & Trapping Abogados
Éxitos del Cliente
Representation of individual clients in hunting and fishing violations brought by WDNR wardens.
Ideas Destacadas
Hunting Lease Issues
Hunting leases present a number of issues, which if not addressed in writing, can lead to misunderstandings at best, and...
Baiting Deer Illegally or Just Feeding the Squirrels?
People ask all the time whether it is illegal to bait or feed animals in Wisconsin. The lawyer answer, that...