Commercial Litigation

Axley’s commercial litigation attorneys leverage their substantial business experience to their clients benefit in a wide variety of commercial disputes. Axley represents both small and large companies. Our attorneys also handle matters as complex as intellectual property disputes or as straightforward as a breach of lease agreement.  We are cognizant of the significant costs involved in commercial disputes and will attempt to streamline the issues for trial or resolve the issues early in the case through strong negotiation.  When settlement is not an option, our litigation attorneys go to the mat and try the case.  In the end, opposing counsel knows Axley attorneys try cases and that often results in more favorable settlement terms for our clients.

When needed, Axley’s commercial litigators rely on attorneys from other practice groups within the firm to consult with on specific commercial issues, such as securities, real estate or tax.  Over the years, Axley’s litigators have also developed relationships with experts in Wisconsin and throughout the nation to provide added depth and perspective to our commercial litigation team.

Our attorneys have experience prosecuting and defending claims involving breaches of fiduciary duty; trade secrets and computer fraud; fraud under Wis. Stat. § 100.18, disputes involving the UCC, partner and shareholder disputes; interference with contract or business relationships; unfair competition; securities litigation; and intellectual property, including copyright and trademark infringement.

Éxitos del Cliente

Prevailed on a motion for reconsideration to vacate a default judgment and reopen a breach of contract case. Promptly won a motion to dismiss the case in its entirely based on untimely service.
Heberling, Cecilia A.
Commercial Litigation, Litigation
Defended landfill owner in Wisconsin breach of contract litigation; obtained trial verdict that client responsible for $0 in damages despite court’s earlier finding that landfill did not comply with contract.
Hofbauer, Tom C.
Commercial Litigation, Litigation
Obtained summary judgment on behalf of a construction company in lawsuit alleging fraudulent conduct and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Lessner, Justin H.
Commercial Litigation, Litigation

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