Medical Malpractice Defense

Axley medical malpractice defense attorneys understand the unique challenges posed in representing health care professionals. We appreciate the nuances of the medical subspecialties as well as the people who practice in those areas.

Our attorneys have experience in cases involving:
  • Neurosurgery
  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Obstetrics
  • Emergency medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • Gastroenterology
  • Oncology
  • Pediatrics
  • Infectious disease
  • Radiology
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Neurology
  • General surgery
  • Internal medicine
  • Family practice

Our attorneys have support from a competent staff with extensive experience in medical record review and medico-legal issues. In addition to understanding the medicine underlying what our clients do, our attorneys are on the cutting edge of legal developments in medical malpractice law acting as both lead counsel and amicus counsel on appellate cases of importance to health care providers. Our attorneys are available to guide clients from the initial patient contact regarding care issues, through informal claims, mediation, trial and appeal, as well as any ancillary DRL/MEB, JCHAO and MetaStar reviews.

Medical Malpractice Defense Abogados

Éxitos del Cliente

Successfully represented a physician and secured a court of appeal decision affirming trial court’s dismissal of a medical malpractice lawsuit in Satorius v. Berlie, et al., Appeal No. 2011AP2809 (Oct. 30, 2012).
DuBeau, Guy J.
Medical Malpractice Defense
Obtained a jury verdict for a medical center in a breach of contract case.
DuBeau, Guy J.
Health Care, Medical Malpractice Defense
Determined the admissibility of certain types of evidence in wrongful death cases in Schaefer v. American Family (Lead Counsel)
DuBeau, Guy J.

Ideas Destacadas


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Qualified Testimonial Privilege for Physicians and Other Experts in Wisconsin

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