Axley’s team of construction, contract, and real estate attorneys frequently work with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”). Our team includes several licensed engineers, including a former project engineer for WisDOT. Another one of our attorneys was selected to serve on a dispute resolution board for a WisDOT mega-project. Our team has the experience and expertise to help develop creative solutions to resolve challenging issues, which simply is not found in other law firms.
We have a track record of effectively advocating for contractors before WisDOT on a wide range of issues. These matters include contract disputes, project change orders, easement issues, and all other issues pertaining to transportation projects. We also have experience working with WisDOT in other areas, such as land acquisition and aeronautical matters. In addition, we track what is happening in the transportation arena in regard to funding and policy development.
We are active members with both the Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association and the Wisconsin Earth Movers Association.