About Axley
Axley Brynelson, LLP is a premier Wisconsin law firm with offices in Madison, Waukesha, and Janesville, offering expertise across 100 legal areas. Ranked the #1 law firm for over 8 years by InBusiness Magazine, Axley serves a diverse clientele, ranging from individuals to multinational corporations. Committed to providing cost-effective, quality legal services, Axley prioritizes timely, personalized solutions tailored to the client’s needs. Trust Axley Brynelson, LLP for comprehensive legal guidance.
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Legal News & Insights
“You’ve Been Served” – Responding after Service of a Subpoena
A process server or sheriff knocks on your door, or shows up at work, and serves you with a subpoena....
One Step Closer: An Update on the Constitutional Challenge to Wisconsin Act 10
Earlier this summer, Axley published an update on a notable case in Wisconsin concerning a legal challenge to Act 10...
Understanding Wisconsin Overtime Laws: A Practical Guide for Employers
Wisconsin state labor laws regarding the payment of overtime are largely consistent with the federal overtime laws. Like the Federal Fair...