Attorney Sweeney to be Managing Partner January 2017
After two years of service to the firm, Axley’s Managing Partner Patricia Gibeault is transitioning to a well-deserved role of Senior Partner. Attorney Buck Sweeney will be the firm’s new Managing Partner beginning January 1, 2017.
Attorney Gibeault was the firm’s first female Managing Partner when she began her position in 2014, and she was also the firm’s first female partner in 1989. Gibeault has made great strides to motivate staff throughout her leadership and steer the firm towards future success. “The past two years have shown us Patti is not only an exceptional attorney, but also an impassioned leader. Axley has been lucky to have her as our Managing Partner,” said Attorney David Pelletier, a close colleague of Gibeault and partner in the firm.
The Managing Partner role will be assumed by Attorney Charles “Buck” Sweeney when Gibeault steps down at the end of December 2016. Sweeney is a Construction attorney who began working at Axley in March 2005. In addition to being a partner in the firm, Attorney Sweeney is also the current Chief Marketing Officer and co-chair of the Construction Practice Group. “I have been working with Buck on the transition to Managing Partner for the past few weeks, and know he will bring great enthusiasm and ideas to his new leadership role,” said Attorney Gibeault. “ I know I will be leaving the firm with a Managing Partner who will motivate our attorneys to do their very best for our clients, our communities and our firm. ”
Attorney Gibeault plans to enjoy her newfound free time at her vacation home in Door County with her new puppy Abby. Axley will be making a donation to Porchlight in her name as a token of their appreciation for her leadership.