Governor Suspends Certification Requirements for Septage Servicing, Water System, and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators

April 20, 2020

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) rules in Chapter NR 114 require waterworks operators, septage servicing operators, water system operators, and wastewater treatment plant operators to obtain certificates demonstrating that they have met certain competency requirements.  The rules also contain renewal and continuing education requirements.

Governor Evers’ Emergency Order #30 suspends a number of the time deadlines established in the DNR’s rules.  The Order underscores that waterworks, wastewater treatment, septage servicing, and water system operations remain part of the State’s “essential infrastructure,” as defined in the Governor’s previously issued Safer at Home Order.  The Order also recognizes that “residences and businesses continue to need clean drinkable water, have their waste treated, and have private onsite wastewater treatment systems, septic tanks, portable restrooms, grease interceptors and other septage-containing holding devices serviced by experienced operators….”

Because of the public health emergency, the Emergency Order notes that it has become difficult for current operators to comply with continuing education requirements and certification renewal deadlines.  Consequently, the Governor’s Order suspends the rule provisions contained in Chapter NR 114 relating to the expiration of certificates, deadlines for continuing education requirement, and application deadlines for taking in-person examinations.

To view Emergency Order #30, go to:

If you have any questions regarding this Order, please contact your Axley attorney.

Patrick Stevens
Patrick Stevens