Immediately following a drunk driving arrest, getting an experienced legal team behind you is imperative. Axley’s experienced drunk driving defense attorneys have successfully litigated OWI cases in counties throughout Wisconsin.

A drunk driving arrest may result in a wide range of possible charges. Depending on the circumstances, the charge could be a civil forfeiture, a criminal misdemeanor or a criminal felony. The penalties for conviction vary, but may result in jail or prison, probation, heavy fines, a license revocation, installation of an ignition interlock device in any vehicle you own or operate and an alcohol assessment with a driver safety plan. There may be collateral consequences as well to your career, your relationships and your ability to travel abroad, possess firearms or vote.

DUI cases are highly complex. There are evolving legal nuances, physiological issues, law enforcement issues, constitutional issues and divergent local court practices to deal with. Furthermore, there are deadlines in each case that start running once authorities determine chemical test results, which may be immediately.

Our lawyers understand the stakes. We will promptly meet with you, whether it is at Axley’s offices or in jail. During our free initial consultations, we will explain to you the entire process. We will expeditiously acquire the evidence necessary to analyze your case and develop aggressive defense strategies for trial. And for cases that will not proceed to a trial, we will work carefully with you and the prosecutor to handle those cases in a fashion that will result in the best possible outcome for you.


Drunk Driving Attorneys

Client Successes

Obtained dismissal of a drunk driving case in which the driver was observed driving erratically with a .26 blood alcohol level by proving that the arrest violated the driver’s Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizures because the officer initiated the arrest in the driver’s backyard patio without a warrant, consent or exigent circumstances.
Hough, Brian C.
Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving
Defended a client charged with felony homicide by intoxicated driving and hit and run. Client struck a pedestrian during a snow storm and left the scene. Obtained a 30 day sentence and probation for the client.
Won a drunk driving jury trial in which the accused was a prominent law enforcement officer. The officer had a blood alcohol level of twice the legal limit. He was found not guilty.
Hough, Brian C.
Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving

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