Client Successes

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Represented a regional lender group in an aggregate of $150 million in development and mini-permanent loans to hospitality industry borrower (hotel, timeshare and water park facility)

Represented a local bank in a loan workout of 23 business and real estate loans to 13 related entities in Wisconsin aggregating approximately $15 million

Lead associate in pursuing a multimillion-dollar securities fraud claim against a limited partnership blind pool investment fund on behalf of a group of limited partners.

Engaged and currently assisting client with strategic reorganization involving a $30 million dollar private venture fund investor.

Representation of the owner of several large industrial buildings in negotiation of a long term complex lease with a national food manufacturing tenant

Larry Libman

Representation of a technology licensing company in the negotiation and implementation of licensing contracts with new licensees in the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe and the Middle East

Larry Libman

Represented companies, majority shareholders and minority shareholders, and members in freeze out, squeeze out, and related shareholder oppression matters and business disputes

Jonathan Schuster

Represented owner preparing contract documents for $200 million dollar manufacturing facility

Represents parties in connection with indoor air quality issues, including Sick Building Syndrome, mold claims and litigation

Represents individuals and businesses in disputes with the IRS and the Wisconsin Department of Revenue

Represented several trade associations with amicus briefs

Buck Sweeney

Obtained summary judgment in favor of corporation where federal court dismissed a former member’s claims involving a dissolved LLC, including claims for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, various statutory violations, as well as a request for an accounting. See 2010 WL 2739832 (W.D. Wis.)

Sale of telecommunication companies and cable television systems

Represented a client in the acquisition and development of over $140 million of senior housing facilities that offer a continuum of care

Represented one of the largest heavy duty truck dealers in theĀ United StatesĀ in the acquisition of several heavy duty truck dealerships

Structured numerous Reverse and Forward Single and Multiple Asset Tax Deferred Exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code

Negotiated resolution of a multimillion-dollar unrelated business income tax claim on behalf of a tax-exempt client

Represented buyers and sellers in transactions involving professional service businesses such as veterinarians, dentists, physicians and accountants

Steven Brezinski

Represented corporation in connection with employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) transaction and implementing deferred compensation program

Represented real estate sponsors in raising capital in tenant in common, syndicated limited liability companies, and related offerings